воскресенье, 25 октября 2015 г.

Alice Munro.

Alice Munro is a Canadian English-language writer. She began writing stories as a teenager, but her debut in book form took place only in 1968 with the story collection 'Dance of the Happy Shades'. Munro has been appreciated for her finely tuned storytelling, characterized by clarity and psychological realism. Her stories are often set in small town environments, where people's struggle for a decent life often result in difficult relationships and moral conflicts.
Her first collection of stories was published as Dance of the Happy Shades. In 2009, Munro won the Man Booker International Prize. That same year, she published the short-story collection Too Much Happiness. In 2013, at age 82, Munro was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature.

воскресенье, 18 октября 2015 г.

First impression

Today I read the story "Boys and Girls" by a Canadian writer Alice Munro. Before reading I was sure that this is common story about teenager's school life or relationship between girls and boys. But i was wrong. The topic of the  story is more involved - about inequality. I like this story because the problem of inequality between men and woman still exists even in our days.